Four methods for leaders to influence and engage your team

Four methods for leaders to influence and engage your team

As a young girl, I was fascinated by how to use effective language to connect, positively influence and communicate with all types of people in different situations. Are you curious about which words are more powerful and influential than others, including how to motivate, inspire and engage leaders on how to create high-performance teams? Almost…

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Ingredients to age slower and to live a healthy, fulfilling and longer life.

Ingredients to age slower and to live a healthy, fulfilling and longer life.

Recently watching two interesting documentaries with my family on the ingredients to age slower and to improve choices for a healthier, longer and fulfilling life that I found valuable to share with you. The first one being ‘Limitless with Chris Hemsworth’ On Disney+, where the actor aims to unlock the human body’s and brain potential…

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Who do you want to be right now? Why it matters.

I am often asked, ‘Do nice guys finish last? Or, in other words, do jerks get ahead? Why does it matter how I show up? Well, it turns out that in the long run, they don’t. According to research by Morgan McCall and Michael Lombardo when they were at the Center for Creative Leadership. They…

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Five high performing habits to help you reach the next level of best self

The well-being and mental stamina of many of us have been challenged over the past three years. The good news is that research into neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to rewire and function differently) shows we never stop learning. When enabled to succeed, our brains can build new and lasting behaviours that improve well-being and performance,…

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10 minutes a day to reboot your brain

10 minutes a day to reboot your brain

The Neuroscience of stress and how to reverse the damage to your brain. The last few years have been incredibly stressful for many. The uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic, overwhelming information, unrest with organisation restructures, and the growing cost of living impact our mental health and well-being.  Long-term ongoing stress can have harmful consequences for…

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How can neuroscience teach resilience

Our everyday lives can be stressful, with long hours and a recent pandemic that impacted globally.  How can we flourish and thrive in times like this when there are high levels of stress and uncertainty?  In my experience, having a resilience plan in place helps you identify the steps while you are calm and before any obstacle happens.…

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