Harnessing neuroscience for lasting change

In recent years the cybersecurity industry has witnessed a steady increase in demand as technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, one concerning trend has emerged: disproportionate numbers of women leaving cybersecurity roles.

Seven methods to use diversity and inclusion to fuel innovation

In my experience of collaboration within many organisations, diversity of all types produces improved solutions to the most complex problems. The most pressing issues are solved in inclusive settings with a diversity of viewpoints where team members can participate based on their preferences as to where they do their best thinking.

How to be your best self

The last two years have been tough for business owners. What do business owners need to do to tackle the new year with enthusiasm, and what practices will ensure they work at their best?

It’s only natural for difficult times to reveal what we really value. Often our greatest challenges become the catalyst for reinvention or changing our direction. In sailing terms, this is known as tacking, changing direction by turning the boat’s bow through the wind. Your tack is also the course you are on relative to the wind (the environment).

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Reflecting on your thinking

The behaviours you need to reach your vision.

Often, we are so busy we do not devote time to reflecting on the thinking and behaviours required to achieve our WHY, our purpose. Over time some of the behaviours that have helped you be successful may no longer serve your purpose. Your purpose may have changed as you have grown and developed.

Pandemic sharpens employee well-being focus. Neuroscience can help change behaviour

COVID-19’s disruption of traditional corporate culture, namely the individual wellbeing of employees, has laid the foundation for a transformation in business practices.

Organisational resilience and operational efficacy have been tested like never before, with the accompanying stress leaving many employees overwhelmed.

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Cracking the code of brain-friendly collaboration

Ask any leader if their organisation values collaboration and you will likely get an affirmative response. Ask whether the firm’s strategies to increase collaboration have been successful and you may receive a different answer.

Why being kind isn’t as selfless as you thought

What goes around, comes around.

Kindness and gratitude are attributes that most of us are taught from a young age. From our siblings to the schoolyard, it’s ingrained in us — and for good reason. Compassion, consideration and empathy are qualities that deeply benefit all of society.

While it’s easy to think these behaviours are purely for the good of others, the truth is, saying thank you isn’t just about being polite and being cordial is much more than a nicety.

Kindness quite literally, positively charges your brain.

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Overcoming obstacles with the brain in mind

Obstacles are part of life. They come in many forms: a large tree blocking the road while driving to your holiday destination; working remotely during a global pandemic; losing incorrectly saved data files; losing a big client, or experiencing a health crisis.

Sometimes obstacles appear insurmountable, yet they must be overcome.

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How daily ‘brain breaks’ can boost your mental stamina

The brain — it’s our biggest asset. But how much do we really know about it?

Sure, it’s made of around 100 billion neurons that control everything from your speech to movement and even your personality. But have you ever felt like you walk around on ‘autopilot’ some days? How can you best tap into this incredible, complex organ? And why should achieving good brain health be top of your ‘to do list’?

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Successful change starts with your brain’s wellbeing

There is potentially a ‘great resignation’ on Australia’s horizon.

Many have experienced burnout during the pandemic, so it is no surprise many of us are considering a change of profession and lifestyle.

You can read the entire article for free via the below link and forward to pages 62-63.

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How your brain changes when you become an entrepreneur

One minute you’re dreaming of bright lights, flashing cameras and the trappings of success. The next minute you’re in a state of near panic, gripped with a migraine, swirling thoughts and nausea, seriously wondering if this new venture of yours has all been a huge mistake and a job is what you need.

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How I manage my health

Most mornings I…
I am like a hermit crab who doesn’t want to leave the comforts of a warm comfy shell!

However, due to an accident twenty years ago, I suffer from chronic back pain. I find a morning stretch out on a roller foam and a yoga routine really helps to get the energy flowing in my body. It’s then time to wake up my brain with a fun minute radio quiz with my family… we’re all slightly competitive! Followed by a family dog walk and breakfast, before starting online school and work.

Burnout is on the rise: How to build more a resilient workforce

Workers across Australia and New Zealand are experiencing a higher rate of burnout compared to the global average, according to new statistics by Asana. The research found 89% of employees are working late – up 8% from 2019.

Nearly 8 in 10 (77%) of ANZ workers are suffering burnout and we’re using 11 apps a day, switching between them 27 times on average. Fatigued, distracted and disengaged, the research shows ANZ still has a long way to go to make remote working successful long-term.

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Improve your efficiency as well as your mental health

With a long, successful career in corporate organisations, Vannessa McCamley’s experience and curiosity about Neuroscience led her to research and write her new book ‘Rewire for Success’ which explains how understanding our brain function can help people achieve their goals and improve their efficiency as well as their mental health!

Mindful Living

As a North Shore local, I was pleased to be interviewed for this publication. Have a read through this article by clicking below.