Hindsight is a fantastic gift.

As a coach and advisor, I get to speak with people of all ages and advise them to avoid some of the pitfalls that my clients and I have made in our careers.

I would approach things differently with what I know about the brain around creating high-performing habits.

Due to technological advances, we have learned more than ever before about the brain over the last 10-15 years. 

Here are six career tips I would have wanted to know:

  1. Identify your strengths – what are you good at and interested in spending time and effort to develop your strengths to the next level. Follow your interests as they may lead to passion. In my experience, true passion grows out of being good at something.
  2. Evaluate the market opportunity for your strengths – especially with technology advances and artificial intelligence/automation taking over tasks and specific job roles—review career options, salary opportunities, skill sets and advancements within industries that interest you.
  3. Assess the learning and development opportunities and career options – taking your strength/s to the next level and identifying what expert level looks like—breaking this down into manageable bite-size steps within a specific timeframe.
  4. Invest in your strengths – to continuously put a % of your savings into skilling your strengths. Self-development is key to staying current and sharpening your brain’s neural connection and brain health. Bonus if your company will contribute to this, though owning your development journey is essential.
  5. Embrace conflict – not avoid it. Different viewpoints and constructive discussions can be powerful – this is where opportunities and new ways of thinking can be born. Learn as many skills as possible to cultivate other people’s viewpoints, including listening and insightful questioning skills. No two brains are the same, and we can all learn something from others.
  6. Develop resilience strategies – priming your brain for obstacles is critical for career success, dealing with setbacks along the way, including managing pressure, monitoring stress levels, and creating healthy peak performance habits throughout your daily routine—knowing your emotional triggers and what puts you in a distressed state. 

Our brain naturally seeks certainty and predictability.

If we can prime our brains for obstacles and create a career plan based on these learnings, we will save time and effort and improve relationships with others. We will make effective decisions about your career direction while continuing to look after our health and well-being.

There is no better time than today to work on your career direction? Contact Vannessa @ Link Success today to save yourself time and effort in the future.