Thanks to breakthroughs in neuroscience, we clearly understand how it can enhance team performance. 

Speaking with several CEOs and Managing Directors, they have expressed the need for the organisation to become more entrepreneurial. In particular, their ability to form internal and external partnerships and reduce time-to-market. Plus, to respond faster to their client’s evolving needs.

Yet one of the biggest challenges is breaking down the silos and getting teams aligned with the WHY/ purpose to collaborate in effective ways.

This is a dilemma that many organisations face: they can’t succeed until they change their employees’ day-to-day behaviour.

However, altering behaviour is challenging even when new habits might mean the difference between life and death. 

What we now know

Due to the combination of psychology (the study of the human mind and behaviour) and neuroscience during the last two decades, scientists have developed a new, far more precise understanding of human nature and behaviour modification (the study of the anatomy and physiology of the brain).

Researchers have produced a growing amount of theoretical work integrating the brain (the physical organ) with the mind thanks to advanced computer analysis of these linkages (the human consciousness that thinks feels, acts, and perceives).

The ramifications of this research are significant for business executives.

It is now evident that workplace human behaviour does not operate the way many CEOs believe. As a result, it’s easier to see why so many leadership and organisational transformation projects fail. 

Managers who understand the recent breakthroughs in cognitive science can lead and influence mindful change: organisational transformation that considers the physiological nature of the brain and hows people resist some forms of leadership and accept others. 

For example,

  • Change can be a source of discomfort. Because it causes physiological discomfort, organisational transformation can be unexpectedly tricky.
  • Behaviourism is ineffective. Change initiatives based on the carrot and the stick (the carrot and the stick) seldom work overtime and limits the possibility of achieving more (intrinsic rewards and purpose are paramount).
  • Concentration is the key to success. Paying attention causes chemical and physical changes in the brain, creating neurons to connect and fire together.
  • Expectations shape reality. People’s perceptions have a significant influence on how they see things. 
  • The amount of attention you pay to anything defines your identity. Repeated, purposeful, and focused attention can lead to long-lasting personal evolution, and it is the key to rewiring your brain for success.


I dedicate my career to being the bridge for organisations between neuroscience academia and how to apply it to gain the desired business outcomes in brain-friendly ways.

Contact me for an obligation-free chat and see how neuroscience can make your organisation change a success.