The story behind creating ‘The F.O.O.D framework™ – within the book REWIRE for SUCCESS.
On my way to greatness in 2002 during my corporate career, I hit a few speed bumps along the way. Living on a diet of distress led to burnout, which was when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Thankfully I was still in the early stages of the disease, but my mentor was not so lucky.
At 45, he died of a rare form of cancer.
In the years that followed, I gave birth to a little boy who would have health complications. At 18-months-old his lungs collapsed, and as doctors struggled to keep him alive, I reassessed what life was all about.
It wasn’t about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators – reaching sales targets). Health wasn’t just about diets and getting to the gym three times per week.
It was learning how best to operate my brain, rewire new productive habits and what is required to recharge and energise to function at my best effectively.
The study of Neuroscience had given me a gift.
During the early stages of the COVID pandemic, I found myself in a threat state of freeze response, which was a rare behavioural response. I am generally in fight mode, coming up with solutions to the obstacles I face with positive enthusiasm.
Exercising in the park with my girlfriend, another business owner, we decided to set a goal on something positive we wanted to achieve and contribute to society during these challenging times.
For me, the goal was writing the book REWIRE for SUCCESS – An easy guide for using neuroscience to improve choices for work, life and well-being.
My key objective was to create a book that was easy for people to digest and apply the learnings in bite-size chunks without overwhelming the reader.
The F.O.O.D Framework™
I believe our brain is the biggest asset we own, and every human needs to know the basics of operating it as we are 95% of the time on autopilot. This was when I created The F.O.O.D Framework™.
The F.O.O.D Framework™ consists of proven models of behaviour, health, well-being and adaptability to help you achieve a work/life balance.
It is estimated that the absenteeism in Australian workplaces is approximately 9.7 days of unplanned leave per year, which costs the economy $44 billion annually.
According to the American Institute of Stress in America, over one million people call in sick every day due to work-related stress.
Numerous studies show that job stress is the primary source of stress for adults and that it has escalated progressively over the past few decades.
The F.O.O.D framework™ stands for:
- Fuel your brain with the right ingredients
- Organise your daily structure based on when you do your best thinking
- Overcome obstacles with the brain in mind
- Drive the right behaviours, mindset and passion for achieving your desired outcomes.
The F.O.O.D framework™ explains the ingredients that contribute to a healthy full-functioning brain and body, with different options as no two brains are the same. What works is different from one person to the next, so you can select the options that align best for your brain and body.
Within the book, you will find that I have collaborated with experts in my network to bring you rich flavours of information, taste and digest what you need when you need it. If you want to explore any of these topics in more depth, each expert’s details appear below their contribution and within the references and resources section at the back of the book.
This book is designed to help you apply your key learnings to get you to your desired outcomes and harness your brain’s capacity to learn, grow and develop.
Download the 1st chapter of REWIRE for SUCCESS
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