Why I wrote the book REWIRE for SUCCESS

Recently I heard a statistic from a book expert that approximately 0.3% of people who want to write a book finish and publish it; that astonishes me. Writing a book does take a lot of dedication, energy and effort. To achieve it, you need to be clear on your WHY/ purpose and the desired outcomes…

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Perfectionism – Can you get better performance in a brain-healthy way?

Perfectionism – Combat it for better performance in a brain-healthy way. Several people I know consider having high standards to be a positive trait.  Striving for perfection may demonstrate your work ethic and moral strength, and high expectations might also motivate you to perform at your best. Athletes, for example, train long and hard to…

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Case Study – Glencore Success Factors transformation project

The neuroscience of peak mental performance & increasing stakeholder management through the change curve. We set out with a collaborative opportunity working with Simon Ives, Global Head – HXM Transformation, Glencore and Larrissa Dunn – Change Lead, Glencore, to work on a new IT transformation project. Ensuring new thinking and mindset were required for their…

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Did you know that attention is a limited resource

Did you know that attention is a limited resource

If attention is a limited resource – what can we do to increase our ability to FOCUS? The human body sends 11 million bits of information per second to the brain for processing, and the conscious mind can only process about 40 bits per second. Imagine what would happen to us if we were consciously…

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Why happy teams are high performing teams

Why happy teams are high performing teams

Why happy teams are high performing teams In my experience, leaders of high performing teams make their team smile and laugh three times more than low performing teams. Having fun is an essential element of high performance. According to research by Harvard, the most successful teams have discovered subtle methods to use social relationships to…

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